Greek books
Emotion Focused Counselling in Action
Robert Elliott & Leslie Greenberg (2024), Topos books
Translation and scientific editing: Agathi Lakioti & Christina Michael
This book is the definitive introduction to the theory and practice of emotion-focused counselling. Starting with an introduction to the main theory and concepts, it then guides you through the counselling phases from beginning to end. The final chapter extends your learning by examining different client populations, process research, and ways of monitoring your practice. Finally, the book lists the three main scales for monitoring and evaluating EFC practice.
Chapters include features such as case studies and session transcripts, sections for further reading, and reflection exercises to help enhance understanding of the approach.
The Greek edition includes the most recent (revised and enriched) version of the Person-Centred and Experiential Psychotherapy Scale and a glossary of English and Greek-English terms.
The Power of Focusing. A practical guide to emotional healing.
Ann Weiser Cornell
Translation and scientific editing: Agathi Lakioti, Topos books
Focusing is a bodily oriented method of self-awareness, change and growth. It involves feeling into our bodies and receiving the messages they have to give us about the situations we are experiencing. It is a process that helps us to understand ourselves and our emotions more deeply, to creatively solve the problems we face, and to make positive changes in our lives.
This book, in a simple and straightforward way, is for anyone interested in starting or continuing a journey of self-awareness and emotional healing. It can be of substantial help to anyone involved in the healing process - either in the role of the therapist or the role of the client. As the author describes, for therapists Focusing can be a very useful tool that significantly enhances their work. While for clients it can make the therapeutic process deeper and more effective.
Basic books
Shame and anger in psychotherapy
Leslie Greenberg (2024)
American Psychological Association
This book examines shame and anger, their relationship with one another, and how mental health providers can work with each of them to produce therapeutic change.
The book emphasizes the benefits of accessing and experiencing shame and anger viscerally to promote emotion change in therapy. It teaches therapists how to help clients access their shame or anger in a safe therapeutic setting to make this emotion amenable to transformation, and create new narratives based on the transformed feelings.
Transforming Emotional Pain. An Emotion-Focused Workbook.
Aman Kwatra, Ladislav Timulak, Sharon Lu Huixian, Ciara Joyce, Mary Creaner (2022).
Transforming Emotional Pain presents an accessible self-help approach to mental health based on Emotion-Focused Therapy (EFT).
Based on the principles of EFT, and developed by clinicians and researchers, this client-focused workbook is designed to supplement psychotherapy and can also serve as a self-help book. interest in self-help literature and resources or anyone wanting to explore, embrace, and transform their emotions.
Transdiagnostic Emotion-Focused Therapy:
A Clinical Guide for Transforming Emotional Pain
Ladislav Timulak and Daragh Keogh (2021)
Washington DC: American Psychological Association.
This book conceptualizes Emotion-Focused Therapy (EFT) as a transdiagnostic
approach for treating a variety of mental health problems by accessing and
transforming the underlying vulnerability of the core emotional pain and, in light of
this, examining clusters of symptoms such as anxiety. The authors use elements of a
modular approach that is the culmination of a decade-long research program.
Changing Emotion with Emotion. A Practitioner's Guide
Leslie S. Greenberg (2021)
Washington DC: American Psychological Association.
The latest book by Leslie Greenberg. This book presents principles and methods for
working with emotion in psychotherapy to address the core maladaptive processes
that cause anxiety, depression, and other common mental health disorders.
Emotion-Focused Counselling in Action
Robert Elliott & Leslie Greenberg (2021)
SAGE Publications Ltd
This is the definitive introduction to the theory and practice of emotion-focused
counselling. Starting with an introduction to the main theory and concepts, it then
guides you through the counselling phases from beginning to end. The final chapter
extends your learning by examining different client populations, process research, and
ways of monitoring your practice.
Deliberate Practice in Emotion-Focused Therapy
Rhonda Goldman, Alexandre Vaz, & Tony Rousmaniere (2021)
Washington DC: American Psychological Association
Deliberate practice is a rigorous training method that involves repeated behavioral
rehearsal and simulation-based learning therapy techniques. This book presents
deliberate practice exercises to help students, trainees, and clinicians practice
fundamental skills in emotion-focused therapy (EFT) so that they can be prepared for
common clinical encounters.
Clinical Handbook of Emotion-Focused Therapy
Leslie S. Greenberg and Rhonda N. Goldman (Eds.) (2019)
Washington DC: American Psychological Association
In this book, Leslie S. Greenberg and Rhonda N. Goldman have gathered experts to
offer a comprehensive tour of EFT research and applications for all common mental
health issues, including depression, anxiety, interpersonal trauma, personality
disorders, and eating disorders.
Emotion-Focused Therapy: Coaching Clients to Work Through Their Feelings, Second Edition
Leslie S. Greenberg (2015)
Washington DC: American Psychological Association
In this seminal volume, master clinician and founder of emotion-focused therapy (EFT)
Leslie Greenberg presents a comprehensive overview of EFT — a treatment that helps
clients identify, experience, accept, explore, interpret, transform, and flexibly manage
their emotions. Essentially, the approach helps clients increase their emotional
intelligence and achieve greater well-being. This second edition incorporates the latest
theory and research on EFT.
Case Formulation in Emotion-Focused Therapy: Co-Creating Clinical Maps for Change.
Leslie S. Greenberg and Rhonda N. Goldman (Eds.) (2015)
Washington DC: American Psychological Association
This book presents a detailed, concrete, step-by-step process for constructing an
emotion-focused case formulation, ready for use with clients. EFT case formulation
focuses on the client's narrative content (the stories they tell) as well as emotional processing (how the client feels). The chapters present each stage of case formulation in depth, followed by case examples that apply the case formulation method to a cross-section of clinical disorders, including depression, anxiety, trauma, and eating disorders.
Transforming emotional pain in psychotherapy: An emotion-focused approach.
Ladislav Timulak (2015)
London: Routledge
Ladislav Timulak presents EFT as a particular therapeutic approach that addresses
psychological human suffering, offering a view that puts more emphasis on attending to the distress, rather than avoiding or suppressing it. Focusing on the latest developments in EFT, Transforming Emotional Pain in Psychotherapy presents a theory of human suffering and a model of therapy that addresses that suffering.
Emotion-Focused Therapy
Leslie S. Greenberg (2011).
Washington DC: American Psychological Association.
Emotion-Focused Therapy provides an introduction to the theory, history, research, and practice of this emotion-centered, humanistic approach. In this book, Leslie S. Greenberg presents and explores this versatile and useful approach, its theory, history, therapy process, primary change mechanisms, the empirical basis for its effectiveness, and recent developments that have refined the theory and expanded how it may be practiced.
Learning emotion-focused therapy: The process-experiential approach to change
Robert Elliott, Jeanne C. Watson, Rhonda N. Goldman, & Leslie S. Greenberg (2004)
Washington, DC: American Psychological Association
In Learning Emotion-Focused Therapy, the originators of Process-Experiential Therapy
describe in detail the various tasks and techniques of this theoretically grounded,
empirically supported, and integrative humanistic therapy, while emphasizing the
importance of the therapeutic relationship. The authors, Robert Elliott, Jeanne C.
Watson, Leslie S. Greenberg, and Rhonda N. Goldman, well-respected scholars and
leading figures in the field, address each major aspect of theory, case formulation,
treatment, and research, as well as the nuances of learning and teaching this complex
form of therapy.
Books for specific problems
Emotion-focused therapy for complex trauma: An integrative approach (2nd ed.)
Sandra C. Paivio & Antonio Pascual-Leone (2023)American Psychological Association.
This fully updated second edition presents theory, research, and practice guidelines forshort term, evidence based individual treatment for adults experiencing the effects ofcomplex relational trauma. The authors bring more than 25 years of research and clinical expertise to this evidence-based treatment model, which enables therapists to skillfully navigate the unique challenges facing these clients.Chapters present practical aspects of EFTT alongside supporting research, allowingclinicians from different theoretical perspectives to either apply the complete package,or integrate aspects of the model into their current practice.This comprehensive and essential resource is fully updated with current developmentsin research, clinical practice, and training.
Emotion-Focused Therapy for Generalized Anxiety
Jeanne C. Watson & Leslie S. Greenberg (2017)
Washington DC: American Psychological Association.
In this practical guide, Watson and Greenberg teach mental health practitioners how to employ EFT methods in their work with GAD clients. The authors first review EFT's conceptualization of GAD, emphasizing the key role that emotion plays in pervasive anxiety. They then translate those foundational principles into detailed techniques and strategies as they walk readers through the EFT process, beginning with the establishment of a healing therapeutic relationship.
Transforming generalized anxiety: An emotion-focused approach
Ladislav Timulak & James McElvaney (2017)
London: Routledge.
Transforming Generalized Anxiety: An Emotion Focused Approach examines an approach to treating generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) which attempts to uncover the deeper, underlying emotional experiences that clients are afraid of. It also demonstrates how these painful experiences can be transformed in therapy into a form of emotional resilience by generating experiences of self-compassion and healthy, boundary setting, protective anger.
Emotion-focused therapy for depression
Leslie S. Greenberg & Jeanne C. Watson (2005)
Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
In Emotion-Focused Therapy for Depression, Leslie S. Greenberg and Jeanne C. Watson, well-regarded scholars and leading figures in the field, provide a manual for the emotion-focused treatment (EFT) of depression. Their approach is supported by studies in which EFT for depression was compared with Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, Client-Centered Therapy, and then both. The approach has been refined to apply specifically to the treatment of this pervasive and often intractable disorder. The authors discuss the nature of depression and its treatment, examine the role of emotion, present a schematic model of depression and an overview of the course of treatment, and suggest who might benefit.
Books for couple & family therapy
Angry Kids, Angry Parents: Understanding and Working With Anger in Your Family
Anne Hilde Vassbø Hagen & Joanne Dolhanty (2023).
American Psychological Association.
In Angry Kids, Angry Parents you will learn how to respond to your child’s anger in a sensitive and productive way that validates their feelings, addresses their needs, and teaches them to manage their own anger. It can be nerve-wracking to watch your child explode in rage. This book will teach you how to stay calm and protect your boundaries.
Supported by years of psychological research and therapeutic practice, the strategies in this practical, compassionate book will help any parent who struggles with their child’s anger.
Emotion Focused Skills Training for parents
Joanne Dolhanty, Vanja Hjelmseth, Bente Austbo, & Anne Hilde Vassbo Hagen (2022)
Empty Chair Publisher
This book gives a complete overview of the theory, practice, and research of an
emotion-centered, humanistic approach to supporting the parents of individuals who struggle with any mental health challenge. The book conveys an unyielding belief in parents’ motivation and ability to heal the parent-child relationship and help their child (young, adolescent, or adult child) through their struggles. Drawing on the most current understanding of emotions and human development, the book clearly outlines a central role for parents in treating and preventing mental health difficulties in their families. The many examples provide a vivid and emotionally moving portrait of the power of parents if we only support them to find their way.
Emotion-focused couples therapy: The dynamics of emotion, love and power
Leslie S. Greenberg & Rhonda N. Goldman (2008)
Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
In Emotion-Focused Couples Therapy: The Dynamics of Emotion, Love, and Power, authors Leslie S. Greenberg and Rhonda N. Goldman explore the foundations of emotionally focused therapy for couples. They expand its framework to focus more intently on the development of the self and the relationship system through the promotion of self-soothing and other-soothing; to deal with unmet needs both from the client's adulthood and childhood; and to work more explicitly with emotions, specifically fear, anxiety, shame, power, joy, and love. The authors discuss the affect regulation involved in three major motivational systems central to couples therapy—attachment, identity,
and attraction and clarify emotions and motivations in the dominance dimension of couples interactions.
Emotionally focused therapy for couples
Leslie S. Greenberg & Susan M. Johnson (1988)
New York: The Guilford Press.
This influential volume provides a comprehensive introduction to emotionally focused
therapy (EFT): its theoretical foundations, techniques, and clinical practice. EFT is a
structured approach that integrates intrapsychic and interpersonal perspectives to
help couples create new, more satisfying interactional patterns. The authors illuminate the power of emotional experience in relationships and in the process of therapeutic change. The book is richly illustrated with case examples and session transcripts.